In the lecture, we will see how a time dependent coupling allows us to
engineer a new Hamiltonian. Most importantly, we will discuss the
resonant coupling of two levels and the decay of a single level to a
In the last lecture, we discussed the properties of two
coupled levels. However, we did not elaborate at any stage how such a
system might emerge in a true atom. Two fundamental questions come to
How is it that a laser allows to treat two atomic levels of very
different energies as if they were degenerate ?
An atom has many energy levels En and most of them are not
degenerate. How can we reduce this complicated structure to a
two-level system?
The solution is to resonantly couple two of the atom's levels by
applying an external, oscillatory field, which is very nicely discussed
in chapter 12 of Ref. 12. We will discuss
important and fundamental properties of systems with a time-dependent
We will discuss a simple model for the atom in the oscillatory field. We
can write down the Hamiltonian:
Here, H^0 belongs to the atom and V(t)
describes the time-dependent field and its interaction with the atom. We
assume that ∣n⟩ is an eigenstate of
H^0 and write:
If the system is initially prepared in the state
∣i⟩, so that
what is the probability
to find the system in the state
∣m⟩ at the time t?
Evolution Equation
The system ∣ψ(t)⟩ can be expressed as
where the exponential is the time evolution for
H^1=0. We plug this equation in the Schrödinger equation and
with initial conditions
∣ψ(t=0)⟩. They determine the full
time evolution.
The solution of this set of equations depends on the details of the
system. However, there are a few important points:
For short enough times, the dynamics are driving by the coupling
The right-hand sight will oscillate on time scales of En−Ek and
typically average to zero for long times.
If the coupling element is an oscillating field
∝eiωLt, it might put certain times on resonance
and allow us to avoid the averaging effect. It is exactly this
effect, which allows us to isolate specific transitions to a very
high degree 3
We will now see how the two-state system emerges from these
approximations and then set-up the perturbative treatment step-by-step.
Rotating wave approximation
We will now assume that the coupling term in indeed an oscillating field
with frequency ωL, so it reads:
We will further assume the we would like use it to
isolate the transition i→f, which is of frequency
ℏω0=Ef−Ei. The relevant quantity is then the detuning
δ=ω0−ωL. If it is much smaller than any other
energy difference En−Ei, we directly reduce the system to the
following closed system:
Here we defined
And to make it really a time-of the same form as the two-level system
from the last lecture, we perform the transformation
γf=γ~feiδt, which reduces the system
This has exactly the form of the two-level system that
we studied previously.
Adiabatic elimination
We can now proceed to the quite important case of far detuning, where
δ≫Ω. In this case, the final state
∣f⟩ gets barely populated and the time
evolution can be approximated to to be zero [@lukin].
We can use this equation to eliminate γ from the
time evolution of the ground state. This approximation is known as
adiabatic elimination:
The last equation described the evolution of the initial
state with an energy Ei=δ∣Ω∣2. If the Rabi
coupling is created through an oscillating electric field, i.e. a laser,
this is know as the light shift or the optical dipole potential.
It is this concept that underlies the optical tweezer for which Arthur
Ashkin got the nobel prize in the 2018.
Example: Atomic clocks in optical tweezers
A neat example that ties the previous concepts together is the recent
paper. The experimental setup is visualized in the figure below.
While nice examples these clocks are still far away from the best clocks
out there, which are based on optical lattice clocks and ions.
Perturbative Solution
The more formal student might wonder at which points all these rather
hefty approximation are actually valid, which is obviously a very
substantial question. So, we will now try to isolate the most important
contributions to the complicated system through perturbation theory. For
that we will assume that we can write:
, where λ is a small parameter. In other words
we assume that the initial system H^0 is only weakly perturbed.
Having identified the small parameter λ, we make the
perturbative ansatz
and plug this ansatz in the evolution equations and sort
them by terms of equal power in λ.
The 0th order reads
The 0th order does not have a time evolution since we
prepared it in an eigenstate of H^0. Any evolution arises due
the coupling, which is at least of order λ.
So, for the 1st order we get
First Order Solution (Born Approximation)
For the initial conditions ψ(t=0)=∣i⟩
we get
We plug this in the 1st order approximation and obtain the rate for the system to go
to the final state ∣f⟩:
Integration with γf(1)(t=0)=0 yields
so that we obtain the probability for ending up in the
final state:
Note that Pi→f(t)≪1 is the condition for
this approximation to be valid!
Example 1: Constant Perturbation.
Sketch of a constant perturbation.
We apply a constant perturbation in the time interval
[0,T], as shown in above. If we use the expression for γf(1) and set ℏω0=Ef−Ei, we get