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Project Location Model

This schema defines the structure of the project location model. It is used to validate the project location data provided by the KfW counterpart.


  • activityDescriptionGeneral (string, required): A short description of the main project activity in this location.
  • additionalActivityDescription (string): Free text for additional location–specific information.
  • alternativeLocationTypeName (string): If you selected 'other physical' or 'other immaterial' in the column 'Location Type Name', please propose your own location type name.
  • budgetShare (number): The budget share allocated to this location in €.
  • dac5PurposeCode (string, required): The DAC 5 Purpose Codes for the entire project.
  • dataOwner (string, required): Legal entity that owns the data provided here (= legal authorship).
  • dateOfDataCollection (string, format: date): Date of data collection or latest update.
  • filenameOfAdditionalGeoData (string): Filename of the KML file where the associated geometry information is found.
  • geographicExactness (string, required): Please use 'exact' if you know the geographically exact end destination of a financial flow. Must be one of: ["exact", "approximate (yet unknown)", "approximate (security)", "approximate (admin unit)"].
  • kcThemeSubSector (string, required): Sectoral / cross-sectoral location type preselection field.
  • kfwProjectNoINPRO (integer, required): Every project location in the FC Geodata Model must be assigned to its respective KfW project number, which is provided by KfW.
  • latitude (number, required): Enter the Latitude measured with a GPS device. Minimum: -90. Maximum: 90.
  • locationActivityStatus (string): The location activity status according to the IATI standard. Must be one of: ["NA", "Pipeline/identification", "Implementation", "Finalisation", "Closed", "Cancelled", "Suspended"].
  • locationName (string, required): Short name of the project site ideally containing a summary of the main project activity and the location name.
  • locationTypeName (string, required): After selecting the KC Theme/Sub-Sector, please choose the most appropriate location type.
  • longitude (number, required): Enter the Longitude measured with a GPS device. Minimum: -180. Maximum: 180.
  • plannedOrActualEndDate (string, format: date, required): Approximate planned or actual end date of activities on the ground.
  • plannedOrActualStartDate (string, format: date, required): Approximate planned or actual start date of implementation of activities on the ground.
  • primaryKey (number): This is only required if you provide additional geolocation information in another KML file.
  • projectAcronym (string): Please enter the acronym used for the name/title of the project to be visible on your map.
  • projectSpecificLocationIdentifier (string): If the location or activity has a project-specific identifier, it can be entered here.
  • publishingRestrictions (string, required): Indicates if this information is collected in fragile regions and should therefore be omitted from publicly available reports. Must be one of: ["yes", "no"].
  • relatedCommunityVillageNeighborhood (string): You may enter a village, hamlet, or neighborhood name that relates to this location.
  • uniqueId (number): For new locations, this column will be empty. For updates, your KfW counterpart will provide you with a list of unique_id numbers in this file to ensure that updated location IDs match with the former ones.