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Who can be contacted if I need help?

For organizational and project-specific questions, please contact your KfW project counterpart. For technical questions and questions regarding more general aspects of the project location data collection model, we encourage you to create an account on GitHub and get in touch with us by creating an issue in our GitHub repository. We also appreciate your feedback and contributions via GitHub to help us improve our work!

Can I also use other geospatial formats rather than KML?

We use Google Earth Pro to verify project location data submitted to our teams which works best with KML. If you are not able to provide data in KML, you might also use GPKG or GEOJSON. We encourage you not to use the Shapefile format since the world has suffered enough from it ;) .

My KML file is too large to be sent via email. How can I send it to you?

In this case you should ask your KfW project counterpart. They might provide you with a fileshare (idgard) or you might be able to use your own system of choice.
