Terms of Reference for Project Location Data Collection and Management as part of Project Reporting
These optional ToR are usually the Sub-Annex 1 to Annex 8 "Reporting to KfW" of the Separate Agreement between KfW and the Project Executing Agency (PEA). They can also be part of a consulting contract between KfW and or the PEA and a consulting company.
1. Common requirements:
The project location data will form part of the regular project implementation reporting of the present FC project insert project title, abbreviation of project name (project acronym), KfW 5-digit project INPRO number, (planned) project start date as per INPRO and total project budget as per INPRO and shall be attached as an annex to each planning report (if needed) and annual / biannual (please select!) progress report, starting with the project inception report and ending with the final report. Therefore, the project location data are to be collected, managed and quality-assured by the same party/parties who are responsible for project reporting in general and to be distributed to the same parties receiving the project reports, i.e. all relevant stakeholders. They are to be updated with the same frequency and quality as the other reporting information (including the required minimum content of the header and footer of the annex) with the following additional requirements:
In addition to being submitted as an annex to the word or pdf-version of the report, the project location data provided is to be submitted in parallel in the project Geodata Model Excel Template (and respective KML files for lines and polygons) provided as part of the ToR for project implementation to the respective project parties for further data processing on this website.
All reported information that is related to the project location(s), including photos, videos, satellite images and maps should state its respective existing project-specific location identifier (i.e. ID number of the respective project location, e.g. 0001) in the Project Executing Agency’s (PEA) / Consultants Database. In case such identifiers don’t exist yet, the locations will be assigned Unique IDs in the above-mentioned templates provided by KfW after initial submission of the first dataset/Excel-file.
2. Additional Data requirements
- The provided template (Excel and optionally KML) requires the provision of standard project data in accordance with the common requirements (chapter 2) of the general KfW reporting requirements (see also 1. Common requirements).
- Additionally, the location-specific data fields are to be filled out according to the Excel template. Please enter the above stated 5-digit KfW project number in the data field “project number” in the template.
- All planned or existing project locations and their respective attributes shall be inserted into the template row by row. One row is equivalent to one project location. In case it is not self-evident how the locations of the project are to be defined (e.g. in some cases, it makes sense to summarize a number of small projects in one community under one project location, in other cases it doesn’t), this shall be clarified with the recipient parties of the project reports.
- The DAC 5 Purpose Classification(s), also called CRS-Code(s) of the project are the following: please insert all (five-digit) CRS-Codes assigned to your project in INPRO – these are one up to four codes. Each location is to be assigned at least one CRS-code (mandatory). If one location has more than one code assigned to, create an additional row for each additional code containing the same GPS-coordinates. For details, please check the guidelines.
The Following Data Fields stated as Non-Mandatory in the Excel Template are to be filled out for this project (boxes below to be checked by KfW) :
- Unique ID (only if this template is an update. For new templates, this data field will remain empty, as KfW will generate a Unique ID for each location in its system
- Abbreviation of project name (project acronym)
- Date of data collection or latest update
- Project-specific location identifier (see also below)
- Location Activity Status
- Additional Activity-Description
- Budget share (total sum of all locations = project budget stated above)
- Related Community / Village / Neighborhood
For each project location there should be one exact or approximate geolocation dataset, which is to be updated in the above-stated regular reporting intervals. The Details are explained in the guildelines
- The frequency of location data reporting and changes is in accordance to the general KfW reporting requirements (chapter 6.1: Progress of Services and Works) –annually or bi-annually or other, depending on the type of project (frequently changing location data or not, see also chapter 1).
- If a Geographic Information System (GIS), (Remote) Management Information System (R/MIS) or Maintenance Management System (MMS) (please choose which) is used in the project, then the existing location IDs can be entered also in the Excel template as Project-Specific Location Identifiers (Column G in the Table “Fill-Me” in the project location data Excel template). This makes it easier to check location data across project partner systems and verify the use of funds.
3. Data consistency
- It is the task of the Project Executing Agency / Project Implementation Consultant (please choose which!) to ensure standardised data input (e.g. correct location data for lines or points using the precise syntax).
- The data fields, columns and / or formulas of the Excel template shall not be changed. Additional information can only be provided using additional columns at the end of the table (to the right).
- It is the Project Executing Agency’s / Project Implementation Consultant’s (please choose which!) responsibility to provide either a fully functional Excel file (and in the case of lines or polygons) an additional KML file according to the attached template with all required data fields and fully functioning formulas.
4. Data security and privacy
- Europe-based Consultants or Project Executing Agencies / Implementing Partners or Consultants working directly for KfW are legally required to ensure compliance of data collection incl. websites and software both with the relevant national regulations of the country in which the data is being collected as well as with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR, in Germany called DSGVO) all other data providers are required to adhere to the relevant national regulations of the country in which the data is being collected.
- Data shall only be transferred through encrypted channels (e.g. KfW data room).
- Special caution is required in fragile and conflict contexts, where location data should be only treated with extra diligence e.g. working only with approximate geo coordinates for security reasons.
The KfW’s Project Location Geodata Model is part of these ToR including the Excel Template as well as the Location Type Icons currently being updated and both to be found under the same link above.